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Confidently in Charge: The 3-Step System for Owning Your Leadership

Confidently in Charge: The 3-Step System for Owning Your Leadership

Wednesday, October 28th at 4:00pm PST

Do you consider yourself a leader? Chances are that just now, your mind started feeding you some ideas about what a “leader” is and (if you’re like most people) you’ve decided you don’t make the cut. Or, if you do identify as a leader, it might have come with a “yeah, but…”

We put a really high price of entry on leadership and don’t always feel invited to the party. Allison KT and her leadership coaching company, PoppyLead, are here to change that! In this workshop, learn some common myths about leadership AND the 3-step system you can use to level up your leadership skills and be confidently in charge (without years of experience or a fancy title!).


About Allison Krawiec-Thayer: Allison KT is the founder of PoppyLead, a leadership development company with a focus on early-stage entrepreneurs and growing leaders. She is an eternally optimistic human sunbeam, psychology and conflict transformation graduate, and certified professional leadership coach who believes deeply in the power of self-leadership. Her entrepreneurial journey has been full of emotional highs and lows which (along with quarantine isolation) led to the launching of her virtual talk show Confidently In Charge which focuses on entrepreneurial mental health, leadership, and confidence. Follow along on InstagramLinkedIn, and

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