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Classic Floor Barre Class with India Rose

Floor Barre with India Rose

Wednesday, July 8th at 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST

Morning Magic Collective was created almost 3 years ago in NYC to bring entrepreneurs together to connect, build community, support each other, have real conversations, and grow our referral network. It has since grown to LA and expanded to create virtual connections with women all over the world!

This Event:

Floor barre is a complete and precise training method to improve your posture, tone your body and acquire the grace of a ballet dancer, using the real foundational dancer’s training : the barre au sol method of Boris Kniaseff.

It is the actual original barre method. It however is not related to barre sculpt or California barre franchises.

The genius of this system is it's simplicity to be accessible for all ages, athletic level and mobility.- The class focuses on harmoniously sculpting the muscles and posture, building both endurance and flexibility- and of course rhythm and musicality.

While floor barre was originally created to re-habilitate and strengthen professional ballet dancers, it is a staple amongst “regular” French women, just like Pilates or yoga is popular for American women.

"Beauty will save the world" said Dostoevsky, so lets create beauty where we can, within ourselves and on our living room floor :)

About India

India Rose was born in Los Angeles California. At 19, she joined the Gelsey Kirkland Ballet in New York City where she danced leading and soloist roles of the classical repertoire.

In 2015, she abruptly left the company and moved to Paris after meeting master floor barre teacher and legendary ballet coach, Jacqueline Fynnaert.

She has since danced in nearly all major theatres in France, including the Opera National Bordeaux, Theatre du Capitole Toulouse, Opera de Metz, Opera de Tours as well touring with the Les Ballets de France.

In between performing engagements, India is based in Paris where she continues to deepen her study of the Kniaseff floor barre in addition to teaching the method privately and in boutique sized classes.

Her clientele include leading actors of the French cinema and theatre, and it is one of India’s biggest joys to share the essence of classical ballet through this accessible and ingenious technique.

You will need socks, full length pants, and a space to be able to fully lie down (no mat needed).

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